Hangzhou, China
Xin Tian Di Factory

The renovation of four disused factories in Hangzhou forms part of the main urban core for a new city centre.

The preservation of the central hall and its concrete trusses is complimented by a newly glazed roof lantern.

To provide additional floor area while preserving the grandness of the original factory new program is placed in a ground level plinth.

The undulating plinth frames the existing factory building while referencing the landscape of Hangzhou.

By rethinking the idea of the mat building as a plinth the new urban core can be one based on the void rather than a hyperdense building.

Hangzhou, China
Adaptive re-use of factory to commercial and offices
Verma Properties
Concept design
8,040 sqm
Design team
Christopher Lee, Bolam Lee, Martin Jameson, Stephie Sun, Charlotte Sue, Kapil Gupta, Suril Patel, Amit Arya, Santosh Thorat, Renu Gupta, Donny Mulya Prijatna, Abdulla Yousufali, Anusha Bajpai and Pranav Chahande
Joseph Halligan, Michelle Young, Fung Tsui